Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Goals and Motivation


First of all, it's always a good idea to set goals.  While I've always hated the idea of setting yearly and regular goals, I'm starting to understand the purpose...motivation.  I have always thought of myself as a determined person, but I feel like that hasn't really been a very big part of my life since I graduated from college.  Once my grades were removed from the equation and I had a job, I didn't really see the point.  However, I am setting a goal to set more goals.  :)  So here they are (in terms of running):

1. Finish the 2014 Eugene Marathon.  I have no desire to win or any pace I hope to reach.  I just want to finish it without walking.

2. On marathon #2, I want to run it faster than my first marathon.

3. Run 1-2 marathons a year, thus becoming a marathon runner!

*Now, I know that goals 2 and 3 may change after I complete my first marathon, but that is one good thing about goals; it's ok to change/modify/update them.


Since setting my goals, I have noticed that I am not scared by the daunting task of running 26.2 miles.  In fact, I'm super excited!  I actually want to run now.  I look forward to my runs and that is something I've never experienced before.  Even if I'm not feeling 100%, I'm still excited to get outside and move.  I also feel like I'm more accepting of my limits.  Running used to be all or nothing for me.  Either I pushed myself hard and was upset if I didn't improve or I didn't go.  If I felt that I wouldn't improve on my previous run, I just wouldn't go.  Conditions had to be perfect.  But now that I have a difficult, but reachable running goal, I feel inspired.  This is something I didn't expect.  Take today, for example.  I have to do report cards this week and I still have a ton of grading to do.  I knew that I needed to work late to get some of my grading done, but I decided to go for a run after the kids left.  I knew that this would make me be away from home longer, but I was just so excited to run.  The start of my run was a normal warm up.  Then I made it here:

I really can't imagine a more beautiful place to run.  There wasn't a cloud in the sky.  After running along the cliffs, I made it down to this beach:

On the beach, I felt a pure joy I've never felt while running before.  I felt like I was free, like I was flying.  Part of this feeling was because it was a beautiful day.  The other part was probably due to the fact that there was a 20+ mph wind behind me, pushing me across the beach.

 I jumped narrow creeks and ran through the wider ones.  I even took a moment to dip my feet into the ocean.  I ran until I started getting tired.  Then, I turned around and realized that I now had to run INTO the 20+ mph winds.  I didn't feel quite so free.  In fact, I actually had to walk a bit on my way back to school.  But that is ok!  I can walk some if I need to. The important thing is that I'm out there doing something.  I was truly happy on a run for the first time ever!  I am really excited about this new chapter in my life and actually looking forward to running 26.2 miles.  Bring it on!


1 comment:

  1. You can do it, Ashley! My goal right now is completing the Pre (10k) in September... after that... who knows.
