I began reading Eat Like You Care by Gary Francione and realized that I don't really have a legitimate excuse to consume animal products. I really want to be vegan and I'm going to stop standing in my own way. I love animals and they don't deserve to suffer because it is convenient for me to eat products that come from them. I have know about how terrible the egg industry is, but I didn't realize "cage-free" doesn't mean squat. They are not happy or healthy chickens and the male babies are thrown into grinders alive because they will never be able to lay eggs and no one wants the males. THERE IS NO WAY I WILL SUPPORT THIS PRACTICE.
The dairy industry is just as bad. The cows are forcefully impregnated and then the babies are taken away immediately and put into tiny crates. Many of them stay in the crates for 6ish months before becoming veal. Also, the dairy cows end up in the slaughterhouses too, as soon as their productivity decreases after about 4-5 years (they can live to 25+ years). This information was new to me. I AM DONE! I cannot be a part of this appalling culture anymore! These animals don't deserve to be tortured and murdered!
We do not need animal products to be healthy. Research is showing that people who consume a plant-based vegan diet are actually healthier than those who eat animal products. There are also many famous and successful athletes who are vegan, including Scott Jurek (perhaps the best ultra-marathon runner of all time) and Brendan Brazier (successful triathlete). The astounding careers of these men, and many others, is proof that we don't need animal products to be healthy. Here is a link to other famous vegans: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_vegans
P.S. Let me know if you want references for cookbooks or other information about becoming vegan.
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