Monday, May 20, 2013

A Change in Attitude

Well, a funny thing has happened since I began this journey a month ago...I LOVE RUNNING!  I never thought I would say that.  Honestly, running has always been a means to an end, never for pleasure.  It was always a way to stay in shape, whether it was for other sports or just to lose some weight.  I honestly never ran for pleasure, nor did I ever believe I would.

Since setting my marathon goal, my attitude toward running has completely changed.  I enjoy it!  I no longer dread my runs (well, rarely) nor do I count the seconds until I'm done.  I also find that I am making fewer excuses and looking forward to running.  I am enjoying the scenery and the fresh air, and just being outside.  I'm also exploring new places and plan to start trail running soon.

It is amazing what setting a reachable and exciting goal can do to your motivation.  I feel like I am already transforming into a newer and better version of myself.  My confidence and self-esteem are higher and I feel healthier.  I've always envied those who love running and are considered runners.  I've always wanted to be one of those people, but I never thought that would be me.  I am rapidly altering that view of myself and turning in to the kind of person I have always wanted to be.  I'm only a month into my training and I'm feeling amazing.  I can't wait to see what the next 11 months have in store for me!


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